Frugal Upstate's Garden Journal

This is my online Garden Journal. I am tracking not only what I plant and when, but the techniques I try and wether they succeed or fail. Posting here will be much more sporadic than my daily posts over at Frugal Upstate

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

5-15 & 16

I spent a lot of my free time the last two days planting out seedlings from my winter sowing. I planted the dwarf petunias all through the middle part of the round bed, then I planted the Candy Tuft at one ft intervals around the edge. My research says these are perennials, and they should be mulched with pine boughs for the winter. We shall see.

I took some of the extra petunias and planted them in the bed near the house. I also totallly weeded the front bed between the trees, and some of the bed near the house (which is full of itty bitty weeds)

I have my nicotania and pinks to plant out in the next day or so. In about a week I'll start hardening off the teddy bear sunflowers, zinnias and veggies.

Also, the tulip foliage is starting to look pretty nasty. I'm going to leave it as long as I can to nourish the bulbs, but then those babies are going to get hacked off at the soil line. The daffodill foliage doesn't look as bad so that will stay even longer.


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