Frugal Upstate's Garden Journal

This is my online Garden Journal. I am tracking not only what I plant and when, but the techniques I try and wether they succeed or fail. Posting here will be much more sporadic than my daily posts over at Frugal Upstate

Saturday, April 15, 2006

4/15 planting update

Well, I planted turnip greens, spinach and lettuce out in the garden. We'll see how they do

I also added some pea brush to the pea row.

The daffodils are finally in full bloom out front.

All of my winter sowing containers have germinated. I'm trying to figure out when I plant them out. It sounds like I need to wait until there is at least 1 set of true leaves on them, then I can break off little "hunk o seedlings" and plant them directly in the garden. So maybe another week or so. I figure that with the petunias I'll space them far enough apart so that I can alternate them with the store bought ones (since they will probably grow a bit slower).

Additional indoor seeds that have germinated: The watermelon and dill have come up. It looks like 1/2 the cukes are up and all the tomatoes, zinnias, etc. The ground cherries and all three types of peppers are the slowest to germinate. no signs of life there.

I also found my instant peat pots in the little greenhouse container. (DH had hid them out in the shed) so I wet that down, and then planted them inside with petunias.

I also totally cleared the gunk yesterday out of the Hosta bed, and then today out of the Iris bed along the back house foundation. I still need to finish cleaning up the side of the house and the front bed that is up against the house.

I'm thinking that I will get rid of the rose bushes. They really don't do anything for me. I'll see if anyone wants them.


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