Frugal Upstate's Garden Journal

This is my online Garden Journal. I am tracking not only what I plant and when, but the techniques I try and wether they succeed or fail. Posting here will be much more sporadic than my daily posts over at Frugal Upstate

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Gardening Sat 13th May

Made 2 batches of soil mix. Filled 4 cedar 1/2 barrels (used plastic tubs, egg cartons, milk bottles etc as filler for 2/3 of it) 3 long and 2 shorter window boxes, Princess's garden, and the area for the sweetpeas in the front beds.

Mixed compost in with the soil around the base of the clothesline poles. Scratched 1 trowel of compost into every open square in the original Sq Ft garden. Also scratched in compost along the pea row and around the cabbage seedlings.

Mixed compost in with the soil behind the shed (will plant pumpkins there)

Planted out Sweet Pea seedlings from Winter Sowing containers into the front flower beds.

Friend came and took all the rosebushes on the left side of the house (leaving nice area for Blueberry bushes) and most of the Bleeding heart.

Cut edge of left side flower bed, totally weeded, broke up soil and mixed in 1 1/2 bags of compost.

Buried 4 milk jugs in the front bed with 2 pinprick holes as watering jugs.


  • At 10:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.


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