Frugal Upstate's Garden Journal

This is my online Garden Journal. I am tracking not only what I plant and when, but the techniques I try and wether they succeed or fail. Posting here will be much more sporadic than my daily posts over at Frugal Upstate

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Stuff is up

My scarlet runner beans are all up. My regular pole beans, lima beans and bush beans are poking their heads out in varying degrees. I planted the row of purple podded stringless pole beans today.

The row for the pole beans was totally dug in by ants yesterday. I mixed about 1/4 cup cinnamon and 1/4 cup cayanne pepper into the soil last night, and today they were gone. Yeah natural stuff! I didn't want to kill them, just to get them to move.

My NZ spinach is also up. I thinned it to 2 sprouts at each location, will thin down to 1 in a few days when I see which is stronger.

Need to transplant some of the chard. They are getting big. Also need to move the Lima beans (where I accidentally overplanted them with the pepper plants.)

Some of my candytuft in the bed nearest the house is blooming. The other two beds out front don't have anything that looks like a flower yet.


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